A young and confused child. Abandoned and friendless. Without guidance or direction; Here is a brief story of God's redeeming power.
One simple blog about the spiritual struggle everyone has. Do I have enough faith, and am I using my measure of faith? According to what I read in Romans 12:3, the Apostle Paul is speaking to believers. The gift of God, the Author and Finisher of our faith, is given by grace through faith not of works lest any man should boast (Eph. 2:8,9).
Either from Romans 12:3 or Eph. 2:9, the reality of the struggle is pride. Whatever form of pride Victor had, it was keeping him from believing he needed Christ, or even wanted Him. Victor was a believer in the same sense James 2:19 says that the demons believe and tremble. Satan and his minions have no trouble believing. They had known God and experienced God, but even their heart was lifted in pride against God (Isaiah 14:14-15).
With that scriptural base behind us, I can continue the story of Victor.
Victor was born in Lima, Peru. His mother and father had fled the jungle village of Sátipo to the protection of the city from terrorist plaguing the countrysides. After the rebellion ended, his father returned to the jungle, but his mother and siblings remained in the city. Victor grew up in a rough neighborhood with evil influences of friends at school. His mother, fearing the outcome he was destined for, sent him to live with her parents in the mountain village of Antioquia. Victor told me it was his 'prison sentence'. Antioquia is remote. It is an agricultural community and there is nothing for entertainment there except playing soccer, and Victor was not very athletic. He soon gathered a following and became High School president. His popularity was achieved through his reputation as a trouble-maker. I was there for his "victory speech". My first impression was, if Victor would get saved and his life would turn around, it would be a fantastic testimony of God's grace and others would not be able to deny something wonderful and moving was taking place. Within a few weeks of sharing a vision for Victor's life, I was defeated by his reaction. He had no desire to change. He so much as told me so.
The visit to the school that particular day appeared normal. I met with the administrator of the school to inquire of the needs of the students and the school's expectations from me. I had been counseling students for two years and how Victor was doing was a regular topic. I have been given permission to remove 'select' students from class in order to sit and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. The administrator insisted arrangement it with the village priest. He would have to agree to permit the meetings. The priest has parochial control over all things religious. I, on the other hand, know Who has control over all things. It is of no small miracle that the priest gives me permission to speak with "trouble-makers", he has given up on them and turned them over to me. This day, however, Victor was feeling some sort of remorse. He was weeping over a lost relationship with his father. Through various passages we read in the Bible, Victor could finally grasp how God must feel having a desire to restore the lost, lonely and broken. Victor was treating God the same way his father was treating him. Victor saw a Father that was seeking for him. Of course, Luke 19:10 infers that one needs to know they are lost before they can be found. (Matthew 11:29) God spoke to Victor through His Word. He understood he was in a broken relationship because of his sin. Just as Victor was admitting his helplessness to reconcile with his biological father, Thank God, The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. (Psalm145:8) All we like sheep have gone astray.
You and I are no different from Victor. Would you like to be reconciled to your Father today? Trust the Love and Forgiveness that Jesus died for. Join the fellowship of Believers like Victor did that day. Weep over your sin and repent of it. Turn your heart and life over to the Great Shepherd of your soul.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.